What should I do if my system isn't working properly?
Call Us immediately at 786-580-4166. We will be happy to assist you with any service related issues. If necessary we will send one of our technicians to service your equipment.
When do the batteries need replacement?
The system batteries are rechargeable and are kept charged automatically. When replacing batteries you MUST USE equal size or larger. Call Fire Alarm Integrated Systems, to have a technician stop by and replace them.
What is the difference between replacing and upgrading a Fire Alarm System?
There are significant and potentially costly differences when "upgrading" or "replacing" your fire alarm system. There are generally different requirements regarding the replacement versus the upgrade of existing fire alarm systems, including the degree to which the requirements for new construction must be met. When replacing your fire alarm system, local code requirements for existing buildings may allow a device-for-device replacement without making any changes to the functionality of your current system. Simple replacement may be the right option, provided your existing fire alarm system meets local accessibility requirements. However, a system may need to be modified to meet current code requirements if there have been changes in the building construction, occupancy or maybe even local ordinances.
Does my Fire Alarm System have to be tested by a licensed contractor?
Definitely Yes. Most states have adopted the NFPA #72/#101 publication as the code along with their local codes. NFPA states, service personnel shall be qualified and experienced in the inspection, testing and maintenance
of fire alarm systems. Examples of qualified personnel shall be permitted to include, but shall not be limited to, individuals with the following qualifications:
1. Factory trained and certified.
2 . N.I.C.E.T. certified.
3 . International Municipal Signal Association Fire Alarm certified.
4 . Certified by a state
or local authority.
5 . Trained and qualified personnel employed by an organization listed by national testing laboratory for servicing of fire alarm systems.
Must all fire alarm systems have the fire alarm control panel or remote annunciator at the main entrance?
Yes, all protected premises shall be required to have the fire alarm control unit or remote annunciator located inside the building lobby near the main entrance or, if there is no main entrance or lobby, in a common area where the fire alarm control panel or annunciator can be seen or heard by occupants of the building.
What is a False Alarm?
The most common cause of false alarm is due to a sensor not performing in it's required specifications. We can assist you with repair or replacement to prevent reoccurrence.
Will my system work when the power goes off?
Your system has it's own battery back-up. This battery is capable of sustaining normal operation for 24 hours. The batteries will recharge automatically once power is restored and it's status is constantly monitored.
Do you have more questions?
Please contact us at 786-580-4166
Our technicians will provide answers to all your questions and concerns.
We will be more than glad to assit you!